Is there room for the disciplines of yoga or mixed martial arts in the Christian life? Is it OK for believers to spend hours upon hours perfecting the human form? Many would point to Paul's warnings not to destroy the temple of your body (1 Cor. 3:16-17). But, in context, was Paul really talking about taking good physical care of your body? Or, was He more concerned with allowing our flesh to be caught up in practices that are spiritually harmful?
My take is this....what are you in it for? Is it simply to be fit? Then, fine.
Are you dabbling into the Eastern spiritual aspects of your physical discipline? Be careful!! Christ and the Holy Spirit do not make room for "other" spirits.
Are you seeking some notion of physical perfection or the "rush" of adrenaline and endorphins. Again, be careful, as this can become addictive and rule your life. As Paul warned us, all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient...let us not be ruled by anything (1 Cor. 6:12-13). Even a desire to be healthy can become an addiction that controls us and monopolizes precious time.
Are you thinking that being a "fit" Christian makes you a better Christian? Again, be careful there. There is a growing notion that being a "muscular" Christian somehow enhances your ministry or testimony. But, does it, really? As Paul would warn the Galatians...having begun in the spirit are you now perfected in the flesh? (Gal 3:3)
I believe that life needs balance. But, if we are to err, let us err in our devotion to the things of God....scripture, prayer, fellowship, loving compassion, the fruit of the spirit....not on how far or fast we can run, how many push-ups we can do or how many rounds we can go.
What I see in many instances is an overt enthusiasm for exercise and physical discipline at the expense of building up spiritual muscle and spiritual awareness and skill. And often it can lead to a boastful, even arrogant disregard for those brethren that do not "take their fitness seriously" (Jn 8:15)
We are even at a point where bloody, pugilistic battles in the Octagon are being brought into the church as some sort of lesson in spiritual warfare.
While I believe Christians can and should be more concerned about their health and reduce their intake of harmful substances, as well as engage in a moderate amount of exercise that will help them stay fit and better able to work for Christ. I am concerned at the number of hours spent by some on the physical enhancement, compared with the time they take developing the fruit of the spirit and learning to use the spiritual weapons of warfare that God has stated we NEED to endure and to fight for Him in this world.
Please understand that I'm not judging those of you engaged in exercise or sports. Lord knows I could stand to lose a few pounds and develop my cardio a bit better. And for some, it is their career and, as such, takes up a significant amount of their time. All I'm saying is examine your life, weigh it carefully and ask God to tell you if He thinks there is an imbalance. And after you ask, take the time to LISTEN for His answer.
Examine your devotion to fitness in light of Scripture and recall Paul's words to Timothy..."discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." (1 Tim 4:7b-8). If "bodily discipline is only of little profit", then is it wise to spend more time on it than we do in prayer, bible study, and ministering to the needy?
When we stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat, is He going to have a weight scale, calipers and a fitness test? I think not. So then, let us make sure we're prepared for that ultimate "Spiritual" Fitness Test and be sure to spend our time wisely...on those things that will, indeed, be weighed in the balance at the Judgment Seat of Christ and be counted as gold, silver and precious things of God (1st Cor. 3:12-15).
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