"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."
It was early 2005, not quite four years following the 9/11 attacks. I was a First Class Petty Officer and had just reenlisted under the Redux bonus plan. I not only guaranteed the Navy another five more years, taking me to twenty; but, I had also signed with the determination to make Master Chief and complete thirty years. I was committed to my Navy, our cause and the United States of America, which I had become a citizen of in April of 2001.
I was a card-carrying Republican Conservative, with a subscription to National Review and a faithful watcher of FOX news network. I had sworn an oath to defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I was also a Christian and took my oaths seriously.
When I was first challenged by friends and family, accusing my government of manufacturing 9/11 as an excuse to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq, I was insulted and angered. How dare they challenge the notion that we were under attack by Muslim extremism. Everyone knew this to be true…didn’t they? Surprizingly, I learned that many polls indicated that at least half the population did not believe the government's version of the events of that day.
As a Christian, I had an obligation to ensure that my cause was true and worthy of my effort and my blood, in order to receive God’s blessing. In effort to defend the worthiness of my cause, I would prove their assertions wrong and vindicate my belief in what we, as a nation were engaged in…our Global War on Terror.
Fortunately for me, the 9/11 Commission Report had just been published and made public. I immediately downloaded the .pdf believing full well that this would provide the answers I needed to counter the questions put to me. My first reading left me frustrated. No answers. I thought, perhaps I’d missed something and re-read the report. Again, there were no answers. Instead, I had a gnawing suspicion that the report was less about explaining 9/11 and more about building a case to go to war against Al Quada in Afghanistan.
Puzzled and disturbed, I decided to look into the background of the report…the who, what, when, where why and how of its inception and completion. I found a documentary, entitled, “Press For Truth”, released in 2006, which documented the efforts on the part of the families of victims of 9/11 to get the government to investigate and find out who was responsible for the attacks and how to prevent them occurring again.
Lead by the “Jersey Girls”, the documentary was my first realization that the 9/11 Commission was NOT my government’s idea. It was the families of victims idea and it was their determination and courage in the face of strong opposition, that forced an unwilling and uncooperative government to form and carry out the investigation. Unfortunately, the families were NOT happy with the commission or its final product. A fact, rarely, if ever pointed to by the media.
Lead by the “Jersey Girls”, the documentary was my first realization that the 9/11 Commission was NOT my government’s idea. It was the families of victims idea and it was their determination and courage in the face of strong opposition, that forced an unwilling and uncooperative government to form and carry out the investigation. Unfortunately, the families were NOT happy with the commission or its final product. A fact, rarely, if ever pointed to by the media.
Press For Truth, in turn lead me to Paul Thompson’s “The Terror Timeline”, a complete documentation of the events of 9/11 laid out, in order of occurrence.
Following the timeline, it became apparent to me that the gov’ts story was full of holes, errors and omissions. It was at this point that a knot began to be developed in the pit of my stomach. Something fishy was going on here and I did not like where the facts were starting to take me.
Ecclesiastes 1:18
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief."
Following the timeline, it became apparent to me that the gov’ts story was full of holes, errors and omissions. It was at this point that a knot began to be developed in the pit of my stomach. Something fishy was going on here and I did not like where the facts were starting to take me.
This was my Matrix moment. The moment I had to make a decision. Do I take the red pill and follow the evidence where it leads? Or, do I take the blue pill, drop the whole thing and go on as if I was not aware of what I’d already learned? Like Neo, I needed to know…I needed to be certain…and that need drove me to take the red pill and begin my journey down the rabbit hole.
The next piece of the puzzle was discovering a book that refuted the 9/11 Commission. David R. Griffin’s “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions” In it, Dr. Griffin makes some extraordinary observations and points fingers at leadership that was AWOL on 9/11 and his questions leave the reader furious over the obvious effort on the part of the commission to mislead and misdirect the general public.
Eventually, I found the documentary, "Everbody's Gotta' Learn Sometime", which raised questions more than answering them, but in that process raised very, VERY important questions.
Watch Videos Online | Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - 911 Film | Veoh.com
Eventually, I came to probably the most disturbing and compelling documentary series of all…the ”Loose Change” series. Three films, written and directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas and Matthew Brown. These films have been viewed over 50 million times and have been credited with setting the 9/11 Truth Movement into overdrive.
Documentary About September 11th, 2001 - Loose Change 9/11 (loosechange911.com)
From this point forward, I began to be awakened to concepts such as “false flags”, the “military-industrial-congressional complex”, “black ops”, “rendition”, “secret governments” and introduced to groups such as “Bilderbergs”, “Bohemian Grove”, “Illuminati”, “Freemasons” and “Skull and Bones”. I also became familiar with websites such as...
...and authors, filmmakers and journalists such as, Naomi Wolf, John Pilger, Howard Zinn, William Blum, Eugene Jarecki, Michael C. Ruppert, Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, et al.
Watch Videos Online | Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - 911 Film | Veoh.com
Eventually, I came to probably the most disturbing and compelling documentary series of all…the ”Loose Change” series. Three films, written and directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas and Matthew Brown. These films have been viewed over 50 million times and have been credited with setting the 9/11 Truth Movement into overdrive.
Documentary About September 11th, 2001 - Loose Change 9/11 (loosechange911.com)
From this point forward, I began to be awakened to concepts such as “false flags”, the “military-industrial-congressional complex”, “black ops”, “rendition”, “secret governments” and introduced to groups such as “Bilderbergs”, “Bohemian Grove”, “Illuminati”, “Freemasons” and “Skull and Bones”. I also became familiar with websites such as...
...and authors, filmmakers and journalists such as, Naomi Wolf, John Pilger, Howard Zinn, William Blum, Eugene Jarecki, Michael C. Ruppert, Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, et al.
Suddenly, history began to take on an entirely different color. Dots that didn’t seem related in the least were suddenly connecting into a vast and over-arching theme….the insidious march to a New World Order and the rule of the antichrist upon the earth. Dozens of books, documentaries and websites later, I, like Neo in the Matrix, came to a realization that was almost too much to bear. I was literally sick to my stomach and angry. At first it nearly paralyzed me. Then, slowly, the bitter reality began to hit me...I had been sold a lie...I had had the wool pulled over my eyes.
At about that time I came across Jarecki's documentary, "Why We Fight". You use to be able to view it online, but it has since been taken down by the owners, for copyright reasons. The following link shows only a preview...
(12) 2005 Why We Fight Official Trailer 1 Sony Pictures Classics - YouTube
It wasn’t long before I came to the conclusion that my career in the Navy was done. I would fulfill my obligation of the five years I’d reenlisted for; but, my plans to make Master Chief and fulfill thirty years were crushed. When I was selected to Chief Petty Officer (a moment that should have been a highlight of my career), it was tarnished and became anti-climactic in the knowledge that I would not be able to continue on in my career...a career I had grown to love, with people I had come to respect greatly.
At about that time I came across Jarecki's documentary, "Why We Fight". You use to be able to view it online, but it has since been taken down by the owners, for copyright reasons. The following link shows only a preview...
(12) 2005 Why We Fight Official Trailer 1 Sony Pictures Classics - YouTube
It wasn’t long before I came to the conclusion that my career in the Navy was done. I would fulfill my obligation of the five years I’d reenlisted for; but, my plans to make Master Chief and fulfill thirty years were crushed. When I was selected to Chief Petty Officer (a moment that should have been a highlight of my career), it was tarnished and became anti-climactic in the knowledge that I would not be able to continue on in my career...a career I had grown to love, with people I had come to respect greatly.
What I didn’t count on was how this “awakening” would change my view of scripture and my life as a believer.
With the blinders off and now being aware of the matrix around me, scripture…and particularly, end-times prophesy…began to take on a whole new shape and color. I became more and more enthralled and excited as I saw the fulfillment of prophetic words in my daily newspaper and podcasts. It was thrilling to see God’s prophetic visions, from thousands of years ago, taking shape before my very eyes.
In my new found excitement, I began to share what I had learned with my fellow believers. That’s when the other side of the truth started to appear. Fellow believers I had once found great fellowship with were giving me sideways looks and worse…some were even accusing me of being a traitor to my country…even a traitor to the church. My faith was brought into question and in a number of cases, I was actually instructed to cease and desist in my sharing of the truths I’d learned, or I would face the wrath of the elders.
One of my favorite scenes in the “Lord of The Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring”, is when Gandalf and Frodo are having a conversation about Gollum in the Mines of Moriah. Frodo, in a moment of frustration over their dire situation states, “I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.” Gandalf replies “So do all who live to see such times. But, that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.”
Like Frodo, there are many times I wish I had never taken the red pill, never gone down the rabbit hole, never learned the truth. At times, it has been an extremely lonely endeavor. Rejection is far more common than finding a receptive ear. We Truthers have learned to live with the loneliness of our quest.
Again, in the LOTR-Fellowship, there is a scene with Frodo and Lady Galadriel at the mirror of Galadriel. Frodo says, “I cannot do this alone.” Galadriel replies, “You are a ring-bearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power is to be alone. This task was appointed to you. And if you do not find a way, no one will” Frodo, despairingly, says, “I know what I must do. It’s just…I’m afraid to do it.” Galadriel leans in and states, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”
The reason J.R.R. Tolkein chose the Hobbits to be the heroes of LOTR, is the same reason God chose Israel and continues to choose the weak , the humble, the base and the least-wise things of the world…that by His power in these “least of creatures” He should reveal His glory.
Like Frodo, I too am afraid at times. But, resolute, I press on. As Paul says in Philippians…
“Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.…” (Phil 3:12-13)
Most recently, I have come across a documentary that has dared to look at this over-arching plan of the enemy to bring in the New World Order. Produced by Leonard Ulrich, it is the first such documentary to take all these intertwined conspiracies and connect them together to find the string, the plan of the enemy and how to view these truths, from a biblical, Christian perspective. Because its not enough to know about the plans of the enemy. We also need to speak those truths and help others to awaken as well, no matter how much they resist us and/or persecute us.
The beginning has a recording of George Carlin, addressing the issue of conspiracies and how the world sees those who attempt to bring up the question. I don’t hold to all that Carlin says or believes, but, his words here are so very true.
There is also a more recent film that describes something of the transition I went thru in my trip down the rabbit hole...at present, the DVD is not available for viewing online, but you can see excerpts here...
There is also a more recent film that describes something of the transition I went thru in my trip down the rabbit hole...at present, the DVD is not available for viewing online, but you can see excerpts here...
I hope these words of mine will encourage you to take the red pill and learn the truth about the world you live in…to learn the truth about the matrix that has been pulled over your eyes…and to seek God’s wisdom in His Word; to ask for His gifts in the Holy Spirit to know, understand and discern what is going on around you; and to pray for the courage to do something about it. As Paul wrote...
Ephesians 5:11
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Ephesians 5:11
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
God bless you as you pursue, speak and live, the truth.
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