I was selected in 2008, while serving at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. I will never forget the day my Command Master Chief, Charles "Chip" Collins, called me up to his office to give me the news that I had been selected.
"All I can say," he said, "is that someone on the list must have died." He winked and extended his hand in congratulations. Then he reminded me, that I had asked for this. Thus began for me an 8 week "process" of moving from Chief "Selectee" to "Genuine Chief".
The process, as I call it, included many trials, tests and "training" elements. The point of many was to learn the limits of your control; the truth that no one is smarter than the Mess; that a Chief must never stand alone, and will never stand alone, when he has earned his place in, and the respect of, the Chief's Mess. In that knowledge and experience, there is great confidence to lead when others would fall back in fear.
One of the first of my many assignments in that process was to write an essay on what it meant to me, personally, to be a "Genuine Chief". The following is my essay...
The Genuine Chief
During the Chief’s “Season of Transition”, the term “genuine” is used to differentiate the CPO Selectee from those who have completed their Chiefs transition. The term “genuine” is a fitting description of what it means to be a Chief Petty Officer. For to be genuine is to be true, real, honest and to strive to be, in reality, what we all hope and aspire to. There is no such thing as a perfect Chief. But, many have lived up to the title of “Genuine Chief”.
A Genuine Chief is willing to be transparent and honest about their own mistakes and failures, giving their junior sailors hope and assurance that just as they were able to learn from their mistakes and build upon their failures, so too can their juniors learn, grow, and mature as much from their failures as their successes. And the Genuine Chief will show them how.
The Genuine Chief takes the time to know their junior sailors on a deeper and more intimate level than simply their NEC and the amount of work performed. They know the hearts and understand the fears of their juniors and work to instill in them the kind of character that overcomes hardship with faith, courage and trust as well as with skill and knowledge. They develop in their juniors a sense of pride and satisfaction in a job well done, no matter how menial that task might be.
The Genuine Chief is also a junior sailor’s best defense. They will never steer a junior sailor wrong for the benefit of a laugh. They will never use their superior knowledge of Navy Regulations and traditions to degrade or humiliate a junior sailor in order to prop themselves up in someone else’s eyes. Nor will they allow others to do such to the sailors in their charge. Instead, they will be there with that superior knowledge to teach, to build and defend them. Genuine Chiefs are a bulwark against any abuse or misuse of their sailors.
A Genuine Chief is a leader who is able to maximize the efforts of their people, while minimizing their hardships. And thus, they create an atmosphere around them conducive not only to technical proficiency and success, but also, and perhaps more importantly, they develop and environment that makes for genuine joy in service.
A Genuine Chief’s care and concern also goes beyond the rails. They are just as concerned about their junior sailor’s life on liberty and the quality of that life. Their technical knowledge and skill are matched by their own life skills and they are as much counselor and confidante, financial advisor and spiritual leader, as they are the Leading Chief of the shop. They are faithful spouses, loving and gentle parents, loyal friends and the brother or sister that is there in the time of need. By their example, they have earned the trust and confidence of those around them, both at home and at work.
All who experience the company of a Genuine Chief gain a greater respect for their Navy, a deeper appreciation for the integrity and truth it takes to lead and an increased confidence in a future wherever there is a Genuine Chief in the lead.
All who experience the company of a Genuine Chief gain a greater respect for their Navy, a deeper appreciation for the integrity and truth it takes to lead and an increased confidence in a future wherever there is a Genuine Chief in the lead.
A Chief Selectee must earn his anchors thru a crucible that teaches humility, honesty and teamwork, building confidence thru that process to "BE THE CHIEF" when the heat is on and the going gets tough.
Now, read that essay again and this time, replace "Genuine Chief" with "Genuine Christian" and "Navy" with "Church". Do you see where I'm going with this?
As the Chief must go thru a crucible of testing to earn his anchors, so too, must the follower of Christ be tested, trained and humbled if they are to be prepared to take the leadership roles God has waiting for them. In the end, the follower of Christ must learn that it is in fellowship with Christ and in team work with His Church, in an attitude of service and humility that their true strength and confidence is found. If you're not convinced, read Paul's account in 2 Tim 2:3-6, and Rom 5:3-5.
I pray you all will accept the challenge, the process, and become that Genuine Christian God has called you to be. If you do, you will find many great challenges, but also many greater rewards and joys in service to Jesus, the King.
Go now, under His mercy and be GENUINE!
Please let me know your thoughts...
ReplyDeleteGood word.I want to be genuine to my calling and to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.