Here’s my take on this matter…
In His Beatitudes, Jesus consistently
stated, “You have heard it said…but, I say unto you…” He took what was popular “religious”
requirement and elevated it to the point of absolute simplicity and essential
spiritual truth, based on one criteria….love.
Using the same criteria of simplicity
and love, I believe it is clear in Scripture that God would say to us that
women have equal place in the Kingdom of God, where there is no longer male or
female…but, we shall be as the angels of heaven (Mk 12:25).
In the last days (which I believe we
are in) Scripture tells us that God will pour His Spirit out on all flesh, male
and female alike, and that our sons and daughters will prophesy (Acts
2:17; Joel 2:28). If you look at Paul’s
writings about the ministry gifts, prophesy is second only to the calling of
apostles, and well above pastors/teachers (Eph. 4:11).
Paul, who is often quoted by the
misogynists in his writings about women being silent in the church (1 Cor 14:34),
is also the same apostle who stated that in the Church there is “…no longer
male and female…” (Gal. 3:28). How do we
explain this seeming contradiction?
Just as aspects of the Law were
accommodations for the weakness and sinful bent of mankind (see Jesus’
discussion on divorce in Matt. 5), so rules regarding the lowered state of
women in the church were, in my view, accommodations for a paternalistic,
misogynistic culture of the day; as well as a response to various voices
causing disorder in church gatherings (note: Paul also commands “tongue
speakers” to be silent in the public gatherings).
I believe the goal of the Holy
Spirit, for the Church, is to elevate it out of this kind of “cultural” view to
a spiritual “kingdom” view, that recognizes the equity and impartiality of the
Holy Spirit in bestowing, on ALL FLESH, the gifts and offices He
deems fit for the Kingdom…not what paternalistic, misogynists would permit. I believe part of the purification of the Bride (Eph 5:26-27) is the removal of all forms of inequity, including a disparity between the sexes and restrictions on their ability to serve. And isn't that the more "loving" way?
We are too late in this world to be
arguing about the legitimacy of someone’s ministry because of their sex. This is what Paul would call “carnal
thinking” and he warned us specifically against such reasoning (Rom. 8:7; Col.
2:18). We need to grow up in our view of
the Kingdom and learn to see all aspects of church ministry and gifts with spiritual
eyes, recognizing that we are all, male and female alike, equally able and equally
God bless you all, as you seek to be
obedient to your call and respecting the gifts and ministries given to others,
impartially and without respect to sex, age, station or status and, thus,
honoring the Giver of the gifts and calling, humbly submitting to the authority
of the Holy Spirit.